This is where we will post updates about fundraisers, events and meetings. Our foundation meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm in the Grottoes town building. We would love to have you join us and hear your ideas. If you're able, follow or like our page on Facebook to receive the most up to date information about meetings.
Fundraising Update
After our Night Out event at Alpine Goat Brewery, we are officially over the $66,000 goal!
We have officially completed the first phase of pool repairs with the money raised. Next, we plan to tackle the pool decking, repairs to the snack shack and restrooms, and pool furniture. Stay tuned for events and fundraisers!

A Night Out with GPPF
We had SO much fun celebrating our pool and people last night at our Night Out event! We raised $4,060 because of YOUR support! As Maite, our President, mentioned last night, “our mission for the Grottoes Pool Preservation Foundation is twofold. One to preserve and reopen the pool— which we’ve done. Two is to rejuvenate it with events like tonight and future fundraisers.” We want to see the pool thrive and will continue to raise money for the different projects that will support our mission.
Now time for some very important thank yous! It takes a village for our events and fortunately for us, we have the best one.
Thank you to our wonderful venue The Alpine Goat Brewery for hosting and working with us. A beautiful event space with yummy beer! Thank you to our caterer Log Cabin Barbecue for the delicious BBQ dinner and making it all so easy. Thank you to the comedians The Funny Womacks for your hilarious show and support of our cause. Thank you to Rocked by Redbeard for such a fun night and all of the dancing! Special shoutout to our live auctioneer Rachel Crawford Jackson! We think she’s found a new career!
Special thank you to our live auction donors - Hannah Mary Wills (local artist) and her beautiful painting, Rachel Jackson for the men’s sweater and Yeti rambler, Karen Michael’s Airbnb, Lil Gus’s for the gift certificate, Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport for the travel voucher, Nadina Pupic for the travel accessories, Tyler at Massanutten for the family passes, Sarah Parker for the beautiful wreath, and Zlatko Pupic for the handmade wooden planters!
Bingo #3 Update
Wow… our third bingo was one for the books! $7,300 raised all in ONE night! A BIG thank you to everyone who attended, donated and volunteered to make this happen. It’s been the most rewarding process to see our community show up for us and the pool!
Special thank you to the Grottoes Volunteer Fire Department for letting us use the space and the firefighters who helped us setup! Thank you to Linda Kegley for helping us and allowing us to use the bingo equipment. The best hostess!
Special thank you to the fire department members who shoveled, helped clean up, and helped us locate different supplies - Amy Morris, Gretta and Liz. Thank you to Kim Biggs for shoveling and bringing salt!
Special thank you to our foundation members who donate their money, resources, and most importantly, time to make all of our events possible and help us reach our goal of opening the pool.
We are so appreciative of the support we continue to receive. Stay tuned for details about our Night Out at Alpine Goat Brewery on March 1st
Bingo #2 Update
Our second bingo night and silent auction is officially over and was such a success! Again, we are at a loss for words with the outpouring of support we’ve received from our members, local businesses, and the community. We raised over $7,800!!!!
We are so very thankful to The Denton Family Charitable Foundation for sponsoring this bingo and donating all of the wonderful goodies!
A big thank you to the Grottoes Volunteer Fire Department for partnering with us and letting us use their event hall! (And for the firefighters who helped us setup yesterday!)
Another BIG thank you to the Domino’s in Elkton for donating 20 yummy pizzas and a family pizza party for the silent auction!
Again, thank you to everyone who volunteered, participated, supported and donated to us. Our favorite part of the journey to reopening the Grottoes pool has been bringing the community together. We’ll see you at the next one!
July 13th Bingo Update
We were completely blown away by the outpouring of support we received for our first ever bingo. Because of our amazing community, we raised over $6,000! Thank you to each person, business, organization, member of our foundation and everyone else who donated items and/or purchased items with their own money. Each donation has let us get to this point and it’s how we’re going to make this pool possible! We will now start planning another bingo. More details to come!
A HUGE thank you to Lauren Brunk and the WoodmenLife Chapter 347 in Grottoes for partnering with us to use their building and to Grottoes Volunteer Fire Department for letting us use their bingo equipment! We can’t have a successful bingo night without the bingo supplies.
Blackstone Raffle at Ace Hardware
So grateful for Grottoes Ace Hardware's support! Through the raffle for the Blackstone griddle graciously paid for by Kim Harper, and the Ace Hardware donation of 20% of sales, we hit $3450.00 for Save Grottoes Pool!
Pictured here Maite Taylor, President and Nadina Pupic, Treasurer.